Garden Design Stages

Below are the stages of a garden design project. As every landscape is unique, the design services required will vary depending on the scope of the project.

Stage 1 – Garden Consultation

Garden Consultation Meeting –  This is my first chance to see your garden in person and understand how you envision your dream garden to function, look and feel. We will discuss existing pain points to be addressed and features you would like to be considered as part your outdoor space.

These may include paths, boundaries, terraces, stairs, storage, driveways, water features, pergolas, gates, play areas, planting etc.

Site Survey – Dimensions, boundaries, levels, and existing hardscape and planting will be recorded. Photographs taken of views within and out of the garden.

*Depending on the complexity of the landscape the site survey will be taken on the first visit or at later date by a landscape surveyor

Design Brief

Design Brief – The design brief consists of images of the current conditions of your garden and outlines key elements that will be translated to the garden master plan.  

Fee Proposal – After our initial consultation you will receive a fee proposal outlining Flora Work costs and services based on the scope and nature of the project. Once an agreement has been made, a written contract for our design work, explaining the processes and our services in more detail will be provided.

* An advance deposit is requested before the design work is to begin

Stage 2 – Master Planning

Concept Design

Concept Design –  Initial ideas for the layout of your garden showing key areas, materials and planting characteristics. The concept plans are accompanied by sketches and inspiration images.

Master Plan – The garden master plan is a technical drawing showing the new layout of the garden including hard and soft materials. It is part of a larger document that includes illustrations, elevations, and an itemized scope of works.

*The master plan is sent to contractors of your choosing after it has been signed off

Supporting Drawings & Documentation

Construction Details & Elevations – Construction drawings and elevations for key areas that require detailing

Illustrations – Hand drawn axonometric (three-dimensional) illustrations of the garden design. They are to aid in the implementation and help visualise your new proposed garden space.

Phasing of Works – If your project is to be implemented in stages, a document of when which works are to be implemented taking into consideration your budget and requirements will accompany the Master Plan.

Planting Concept

Planting Concept – Drawing showing key planting characteristics and location of feature plants. Planting palette of proposed species.

Planting Plan

Planting Plan & Schedule – Technical drawing showing what plant where. The planting schedule is the list of species that includes information for ordering the plants; the number of plants, location and specifications.

Planting Plan

Planting Maintenance Schedule – Seasonal schedule for the maintenance and management of the plants in your garden.

Stage 3 – Implementation

Project Management – Collaborate with contractors, specialists, and suppliers to ensure the projects is progressing to high standards during the construction stage.

Plant Positioning / Layout

Plant Positioning / Layout – Upon delivery to your garden, the plants are inspected for quality. Flora to assist landscapers in laying out the plants to their correct position following the planting plan.